The Thatch Directory
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HOW TO Approved Adverts and Thatch Advice Centre Associate Logo


When you submit your advert for approval you receive this screen.

Payment complete

Once approved you are notified by email that your advert has been uploaded to the Directory. Approved adverts can then be viewed on the Thatch Directory under the relevant search criteria.

This approval email also includes information on your Thatch Advice Centre Associate logo.

On my account you can also review the approved advert and payment information under [DETAILS]

Advertiser Login Form

Advert may be added to a second county and paid for. It will automatically be updated - no further approval required.

Advert approved in 2 counties

Your logo link can be seen on your MY ACCOUNT page and if you select this instructions are available on this page to enable you to add this to your own website(s).


Associate Logo Link


Your logo is specific to your business and displays the current date until it reaches expiry and then the date will be replaced with the words EXPIRED.

Advertiser Login Instructions

You will be notified prior to expiry of your advert and given the opportunity to renew your advert. Expired Logos can be checked so if you do not renew, must be removed.

Any Amendments made to your Approved Advert will require resubmission for approval.

Any amendments to adverts to be kept at a reasonable number otherwise adverts may be suspended.

If no suitable reference or amendments are forthcoming your advert will be not approved. In the unlikely event that there is no solution, we will refund money less £10 administration charge.

N.B. Adverts placed prior to launch will have the expiry date adjusted accordingly to match the launch date.


Thatch Advice Centre

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