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HOW TO Create an Advert


After logging in, Select Create Advert and fill in the fields as necessary. The mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk

Information already received is pre populated but may be amended (except for Company name which is retrieved at the top of the screen).

Help icons Help are available on all fields to assist. The number of Carriage returns on the adverts are limited.

It is not necessary to complete all the fields at once because it is easy to [SAVE/VIEW] then return and edit the advert.

It is a good idea to check your picture/logo sizes before uploading to speed up this part of the advert creation process. Larger pictures may take a little while to upload first time.

When you have added some or all of your advert information, select [SAVE/VIEW]

When happy return to [MY ACCOUNT] to continue with the final stages of setting up your advert for approval.

The sections of the Create Advert Page

Contact Details

Your Reference:System Generated field which may be amended if you prefer to use your own reference. This field is not displayed on any advert and is for identification only.
Contact Name:The contact name for this specific advert. May be different to account contact.
Email Address:Email address for this specific advert, may be different to account email.
Landline Number:Either one or both telephone numbers to be added.
Mobile Number:Either one or both telephone numbers to be added.
Business Postcode:Valid Company postcode - used in distance calculations.

Advert Contact Details

Advert Details

Advert Title:The Title for the advert. This section stands out at the top of the summary advert and on the full advert. The 'why they should pick you line'

Summary Advert:This is the text which will be shown on the Search Results Page. This is the summary which will be alongside the other adverts in your Category in the Counties in which you advertise. These are the words on which visitors will choose your advert over others on the Search results page. Maximum number of character is 240 characters. This wording is also displayed under the Advert Title on the full advertisement.

Full Advert:This is the full advertisement description which is displayed under the bold summary advertisement wording on the full page advertisement. Further information on your business, credentials, testimonials etc.

Website 1:Add your chosen website or website link
Website 2:Additional website link option if required eg for blog.

Advert Details Entry

Advert Graphics

Graphics to be in the format .jpg, .gif or .png.

Some transparent .png images can appear with black backgrounds, this can be avoided by converting to .jpg prior to uploading.

The system will re-size them as necessary.

Larger pictures will take a little time to load as the pictures are also being resized as necessary.

Upload Advert Photos

The summary photo is the small picture which is positioned top right on the Summary Advert.

It is also shown on the Full Advert.

This photo will show as your Full Advert picture if you do not have one.

Social Media Links

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and google + - type in your links

It is important that you give us a social media link which has been set up so that it works properly on the internet. Eg a facebook link needs to have its web address set up. If not you will have numbers at the end of the page name which may vary and then the link to that facebook page will appear to be broken.

Our Facebook web address is so in the social media box below we would add thatchadvicecentre

Facebook Web Address

It is similar for linked in which needs your public profile URL to be set up.

LinkedIn Web Address

And twitter

Twitter Name

And Google+ URL

In google plus you need to follow instructions below

Google+ Web Address

Advert Social Media Links

Once fields are completed, select [SAVE/VIEW]. This automatically takes you to a review advert page where you can see what your advert looks like and amend again if you care to.


Thatch Advice Centre

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