The Thatch Directory
023 8042 8058 - 0845 450 4878

HOW TO References


Two full references are required which may or may not be checked by the Thatch Directory team.

Your references may be added one at a time or both together but each should be complete in order to save them. References may be added before or after placing your advert in the Category and County(ies) you require.

Both References must be complete before you can submit your advert for approval by paying.

Empty Reference Form

Reference fields are all mandatory:-

Name:This is the full name of your referee.
Email:The contact email of your referee. If your referee does not have an email you must Include your email and make comment in the bottom box to confirm this to be the case.
Landline:Either landline or mobile telephone number or both to be given
Mobile:Either landline or mobile telephone number or both to be given.
Relationship:This is your referees relationship with your company.
Why box:This is a text box where you explain why this person is chosen as your referee e.g. Longstanding customer. Max 140 characters
[SAVE CHANGES]The yellow saved button is displayed for a few seconds against the saved reference.

To continue return to [MY ACCOUNT]

Reference Saved

Once reviewed references are accepted as part of the Approval process

Reference accepted

Completed Reference Accepted


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